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Un-bestevable - something unbelievable / apistefto at once
Caro - car, automobile
Basketa - baske…
Some words that we use...
Scooba- broom
Vaso- vase
Aparo- horse
My mum also said my yia yia…
Epiasan ta belozirka!
It’s getting cold (temperature below zero) ! 😂
Grillian - Grilled chicken
Rostan- Roast chicken
Boylan- Boiled chicken
Sean-airy - Sean C…
Negatch or Nagatch, people pronounce it differently but it comes from the word anagatcho
Anthony Prokopiou
Middly sex (Middlesex)
Cricklywood (Cricklewood)
Hento Cendra (Hendon Central)
Anthony Prokopiou
Bre Cro (Brent Cross....Shopping Centre)
Centra (Centre)…
Diastrofella (via twitter)
I knew Chartered Accountant as 'Chartakkas' and Certified Accountant as 'Certafakkas.'
Το Φισσάδικον (= Fish and chips shop. Οι πιο πολλοί μαθητες και μαθήτριες είχαν τουλάχιστον δύο!)
Μπιλοζεριασε= the temperature was below zero
Τα στέκια= steak
Nici Darby
Bason - bus
foka - fork
eye skri - ice cream
"elomike" - hello mate
choppes - chops or teeth
Nici Darby
Chiki Thaims - Chicken thighs
Bafides - Fajitas
chipes - chips
Kate panteli
Maxespeses = marks and Spenser’s
Sesburi = sainsburies
Ok woo = okwood
Neke = neck end
Madden Χρήστος Walsh
words: see you later
pronunceation: SEEoo lateR
the r is trilled
passaportin - passport
marketa - market
polishmanos - policeman
basketa -basket
ambula - ambul…
Xenia Karayiannis
Boxshia (plural of boxes)
Chickia (plural of chicken)
Ta carka (curry sauce)
Sausinges (sausage…
belozerkia = below zero (θεμροκρασίες υπό του μηδενός), ιδίως στη φράση "Ήρκεψαν τα μπελοζέρκια" (I…
Kurios Horkatos
Na chakaro / na chakaris / na charkaroumen
Na parkaro / na parkaris / na parkaroumen
To Parkinn
Christopher C. (via email)
A good many years ago, in a pub near the old London docks, I heard some Greek sailors use a word th…
Luke K. (via email)
I am fascinated by your research into Grenglish. I was born and brought up in London, UK, originall…
This is wonderful and would be a shame to lose the cypriot/english language as spoken by that immig…
My parents had a dress making factory in the sixties,as did many others .
Kofti. pattern cutter…
Mobai/Μόπαη - Mobile
Passoporto/Πασσοπόρτο - passport
Googli/Κούκλη - google
Noodli/Νούδλη - no…
Εξαπεννύν Woolworths because everything was 6 pence
Two-λογιων instead of δυο λογιών two types

Πενταδακτιλο μΣ
The last καφενέ in Harringay closed down a few months back and t…
Christopher C.
I was born (1947) in London, to Greek Cypriot parents; for five years (from the age of 6 years till…
Androulla L.
Sandwigi = sandwich
Billin = the bill (when you have paid for something).
Is the ‘on’ in ‘ketlon’ a ‘Greekified’ ending, or does it come from the English usage...’put the ke…
Andoulla L. (via email)
Hi my grandparents and mum would say "garash" for garage.
"Vud green" was Wood Green.
"Grips …
Andy Diomedes
Postagis - postman , polishmanos- policeman, stampa-stamp, oringa- orange drink ,shopka- shops, car…