*busso / bus - at a guess there were not many buses in rural Cyprus when people left in the 1960s and earlier
* also the word mahala appears in the vocab of mainland Greeks (see Δυο πονηροί μου 'καναν μπλόκο & Pera Stous Pera Kambous songs).
*When I watch Χάλκινα Χρόνια on RikSat, I understand 100% of what they say -we speak it at home.
Ton electrismo - the electricity
f'kale mia pictcha - take a picture (photo)
Tin prinda - the printer
To inderne - the internet
To ashtri - ashtray (tasaki)
To roundabao - the roundabout
Tin boila - the boiler
To sentrahitti - the central heating
To rathiade - the radiator
To dubbogleze - the double glazing
To me'zarri tep - the measuring tape
To washi-mashi - the washing machine
Ton funno - the air fan
To carpetto - the carpet
To toile - the toilet
To soupa-margge - the supermarket
To chiggi - the chicken
To kitchi - the kitchen
Tin freeza - the freezer
Tin hoova - the vacuum cleaner (Hoover)
To televisho - the television
Hum-boor-ga - hamburger
b-m-dum-bloo-you - BMW
Mer-sen-dez - Mercedes
A Portuguese person - Portougezos (Portogalos)
A Swiss person - swi-the-zos
To unde-graow - the underground transport tube network
Parmers Gree - Palmers Green
Fishley - Finchley
Wood Gree - Wood Green
Southgay - Southgate
Fishbury Pak - Finsbury Park
Ter-pak-lay - Turnpike Lane
To shoppi - the shopping
To microway - the microwave
To seeli - the ceiling (davani)
To shaowa - the shower
Ti sosijja - the sausage
Panado - paracetamol (Panadol)
To cownso - the local council
....Non-Gringlish words in a world of their own
Ton uparron - the ironing board
Ton uparron/tous upparrous - the horse(s) (aloyo)
Tin kapira - the toast (toasted bread)
To armari - the cupboard/wardrobe (from the Italian?)
Tin motorra - the motorcycle
To lastiho - the hosepipe (from rubberband)
To papaouri - the priest
Hartomeni (pulral & fem.) - engaged to be married
Similla - skewer / knitting needle
...and when in Germany - sfihten bihten (sfikse mpikse)