In the media
Grenglish Project: Προσεγγιζοντας πολυκεντρικα τις στιγματισμενες κυπριακες ποικιλιες της Βρετανιας - 27 May 2022
Με την ανοικτή τηλεδιάλεξη με θέμα «The Grenglish Project: Προσεγγίζοντας π&omic…
Languages of Cyprus Symposium - 6 October 2020
The Cyprus High Commission in the UK celebrated the 60th anniversary of the declaration of independence and establishment of the Republic of Cyprus with with the innovative online festival CYPRUS@60 in October 2020.
As part of this festival which showcases the island state’s rich her…
Walk & Screening: Exploring Narratives and Histories of Camden’s Cypriot Community - 23 Nov. 2019
Anna and Petros led an interactive tour through different sites across Camden that tell the histories, trajectories and experiences of the Cypriot community in London. The tour was commissioned by the Camden Arts Centre.
Alpha live television interview - 2 July 2019
Gr-english: Η γλωσσική ποικιλία των Ελληνοκύπριων μεταναστών στην Α&ga…
Astra 92.8 live radio interview - 1 July 2019
Anna and Petros were interviewed by Neophytos Neophytou, for the news show 'H επικαιρότητα αλιώς' on the leading Cypriot radio station, Astra 92.8.
Part of a series dedicated to the languages and varieti…
Cyprus newspaper 'Φιλελευθερος'/Phileleftheros - 23 June 2019
Grenglish Project: Πρόσκληση προς τους Κύπριους της Αγγλίας (Grenglish Porejct: Invitation to British Cypriots)
Cyprus newspaper 'Πολιτης'/Politis - 20 June 2019
«Φισάδικο, Πολισμάνος, Μαρκέττα»: Η αργκό των Κυπρίων του εξ&ome…
London newspaper 'Parikiaki' - 15 June 2019
Τhe Grenglish Project – Calling all Greek Cypriots in the UK!